Monday, October 1, 2012

You've Been James Robinsoned

I’m supposed to be working on The Business Plan right now, but I’ve been working on it all day and think for my general mental health that I should take a break and write a blog about it instead. Well, it and what else is going on in my life and see if anyone can relate.

As an update from my last post, I have not talked to my brother directly about the coffee house because a) I’m yellow as a chicken, and b) I’ve taken the safer and, I’ve convinced myself, more effective route of short, direct questions. Example: What have you done today? Is the menu done? Why not? I follow this up with the list of things I have been working on/accomplished. It seems to be working. He’s done a bunch more research of his own volition and done pricing and we have a sandwich menu! And he finished the advertising and marketing plan. I'll post our entire menu once I've finished the soup/salad portion (now whose butt isn't in gear?).

Of course, he’s also understandably disgruntled (one might even guess as disgruntled as he would be if I would just man up and have the dream/momentum/feelings conversation with him) every time I use this new tactic on him. But all I care about is results. Who cares if I’m creating an unhealthy pattern of interaction for the future business partnership? Right.

Since I’m practically out of money, I’ve been concentrating all my efforts into finalizing the business plan—the one thing that doesn’t earn me any money. It’s an investment in a future job that might not ever materialize. Right. My logic is that if I can just get that pretty much done, then I can go get a job(s) and when/if we finally do find a location, it’s ready to go and I don’t have to stress about it while I’m working full time.

We go on a walkthrough of a location in the Plaza tomorrow. I’m pretty excited to see inside the building and hear what an architect/contractor has to say about the space. I’m a visual person, and seeing a location where I can visualize the coffee shop will go a long way toward curbing my anxiety and hopefully revitalizing my enthusiasm.

In other news,
>I have visited a church twice and managed to talk to only one person total (the pastor made a beeline for me upon my second visit)
>I went with an acquaintance who I hope will become a friend to an unexpectedly awesome (I expected good) show in Norman (The Wurly Birds and Deer People)
>I made some pretty cool animal broaches
>I finished Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan and began Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
>Grant convinced me to join D&D (I’m a fox Hengeyokai rogue [scoundrel version]) (i.e., nerd badass)
>I volunteered at the Plaza Festival, which was practically rained out but not a total bust because, boy, did I meet a character!

James Robinson is the character of which I speak, and once I have a moment to sit down and really write (as opposed to blog), y’all are going to hear all about him. He’s going to end up in my gypsy books. He has to. His long, pointed fingernails and beard balls demand it.

Until then, fill me in what weird hobbies/adventures you’ve been getting tangled up in! Normal’s for the birds.


  1. I find it interesting that you talk so openly about your troubles with your brother on here. Does he not read this blog? I mean, it's not like you keep it a secret...

    I'm bummed that you visited a church and weren't talked to by anyone. Was it a big church? This seems more common in big and trendy churches. From the very first time/day I stepped in the doors of my current church, I don't think I've been able to get back out again without someone talking to me (and sometimes, believe me, I WANT to). But it's a very small church, full of rather old people, and they probably latched onto me because I'm young, and my attendance there increases the prospects of the church having a future rather than dying out with them. But still. I say try a smaller church, with older people.

    As for me, you know my latest adventure, with the baseball dude. That's all I've got right now.


    1. My troubles with my brother are only meant to illustrate the hiccups that come with working with family members. Not to humiliate him in any way. And no, I don't think he reads my blog, although he says he does.

      It's probably my fault that I wasn't spoken to. It is a small church, one of the reasons I picked it. And the pastor clearly wanted me to feel comfortable and to initiate a conversation I mere minute before the service began. But it does have young people, not old people, as the majority of the congregation. Soooooo.... maybe that's why.

      Your adventure is pretty exciting. You're an Amazonian taking control of your love life. Go forth and conquer!

    2. I don't think I ever came back and saw your reply! So sorry! Anyway, I didn't mean that he should be humiliated. I just thought it was funny that you talk openly about the struggle on here but aren't willing to do it in person because, if he reads this, then he'll know about it, and you might as well just HAVE the conversation. That was all I meant. Anyway...

      How goes the church stuff? Any more luck?


    3. Good point. I think I would have almost rather he read it on my blog because I feel more confident in my writing than I do my talking. The coward's way out.

      Church is good. I think I'm pretty set on going to Henderson Hills. It's huge, but it has a lot of counseling and service opportunities. Now I just have to find my Bible study group, and I'm set.
